Tuesday, January 1, 2008

January 2nd 1990 >>> January 2nd 2008


Salaam A'laik....

erm....dh lame x update...(mmg lame pn!!!) x de idea.... tp tibe2 nk update plak ni (pukul 3.49am) baru lepas blk main futsal...,...why hah??

sbb ari ni excited sgt...special day for me....my birthday....kalo refers to the title kt atas...dh 18 thn aku diberi peluang oleh Allah utk hidup kt atas muke buminye...sgt bersyukur dpt menghembus nafas selame ni....after i experience a lot of things that has happened to me...

antarenye ...accident mase darjah 5(if i'm not wrong...)kene langgar ngan kakak sendiri...mmg pengsan lame gk...(as my mom said) byk berdarah kt kepala....then...accident mase berhari raye time form 3...(aku langgar teksi mase bwk motor...tula~~,bwk motor tanpa lesen...) then thn ni mase tunggu lepas mase tunggu result spm>>>accident motor gk ngan ganu(sbb brek emergency...tersadai kt jln raye....syukur jari kt kaki x putus...tp ade parutla..ganu!! aku akn igt ganu) n lastly...agak lucu gk...accident bwk kete(tanpe lesen kete gk....ishx3....sian kete amir...abis ekzos dier...berapi ekzosnye) sbb langgar divider...lucukn???

pk2 blk...byk gk pengalaman ngeri yg aku alami..tp Tuhan still bg peluang kt aku utk perbaiki diri yg amat lemah ni...byk dose dh aku buat...(mostly kt mak bapak) actually sedih gk...tp x tahu kenape...(ampun byk2 heh ...mak & abah) darah mude suke sgt memberontak(dlm proses mengubah diri ke arah yg lebih baik) >>>doakn la sye utk sentise istiqamah dgn pendirian ini...

erm...tika saat ni...ade 4sahabat yg dh wish kt saye....erm...thanks a lot to that people...

lg 5hari nk start blk sem baru....sem yg menjanjikn lebh byk cabaran...(amik 4subjek include 1subjek repeat) + IELTS + LAN = very challenging....but i know i can do it...i hope the spirit when I want to take PMR will be back for the time bing....(time tu mmg ade kesedaran dr awal utk belajar) ...hope can fly with all MARA's student....(just bear in mind that we can definitely do it!!) fails to plan is planning to fail....ayat2 LER kt blog dier...credits to her...

esok plak...or khamis n jumaat ni ade kelas memandu...kali ni nk belajar betul2 bwk kete(insyaAllah supaye x de lg accident in the future..) doakn yer supaye aku dpt cpt pick up ape yg aku blajar...n to bdk2 yg nk sambung skola esok or hari ni....selamat berjuang n don't forget respect to the teachers is one of the recipes to success...

okla....panjang da aku menaip ni...nmpk cam "qada"kn jer ari2 lepas aku x taip...

remember!!8days to our new year!!

last but not least, again alhamdulillah n thanks father n mother for ur care...

till then...assalamua'laikum :)

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